All partners had a technical meeting where we focused on the requirements gathered from our end users. After the meeting we now have the basis for the technical specifications to the system. The requirements have emerged from the interviews held with our end users. Three TV stations have given their opinion about what are the needs in order to successfully implement AdMiRe given the specific needs of their scenarios of their live TV programs. The interviews were transcribed and later on a list of requirements was generated.
At this meeting we discussed every requirement with our technology partners and decided whether each of them will be included or not in the technical specifications list and which of the partners will take responsibility for implementing it. Some of the topics lead to very insightful discussion, for example, issues related to silhouette extraction, multiple camera points of view, image resolution at different stages of the graphics pipeline, audio issues, network transfer rates, application usability, QoE of the audiovisual feedback to the user, data protection, virtual TV sets, color correction, etc. The discussions and collaborative work will make sure we get the best possible end system.
In the next few days we will start defining the validation plan. The purpose of the Validation is to demonstrate the correct operation of the AdMiRe systems, as well as the correct implementation of their components. In parallel to the implementation of the AdMiRe solutions, all partners, led by NTNU, will formulate the validation methodology including the set of test-data to be provided by the end users.
These test data will be designed based on Assessment Indicators defined, including traceability information to demonstrate the completeness of the solutions. The report includes the way of reporting problems and further recommendations.
Jordi Puig / NTNU