Now the project partners have been working together for one year and this week the Consortium has presented their results to the EU Project Officer and two Independent Reviewers, experts in the field.

Highlights of the day were Brainstorm presentation of the progress achieved and the work ahead of us; UPF demonstrated how their Capture and Wizard App will teleport remote audiences into TV studios, whilst SCIS and EPFL will ensure the spectators’ images blend with the environment (respectively by implementing colour correction, silhouette extraction & super resolution);  disguise showcased their improvement to xR workflow, so that physical and virtual elements combine seamlessly and their interactions are real; finally Brainstorm explained how their architecture will bring all these innovations together and deliver a new creative pipeline to the broadcasters.  The User partners, NRK, TVR and Premier Sport defined their plans for prototype testing and evaluation, guided by NTNU.

The joint effort was well received and everyone’s looking forward for the next year to come.  Stay tuned to hear our news!