On the third week of June, a validation day for the Admire system was organised at the Norwegian public broadcaster NRK’s facilities. Several members of the company such as editors in chief, news anchors, head of operations and producers, all of them external to the project itself, participated by viewing and evaluating videos and demonstrations of the Admire funcionality. They had the opportunity to asses the quality of captures of teleported participants with green background and also without it, applying the background subtraction and super resolution IA algorithms.
Relying on NTNU’s methodology, based on validation theory and QoE modelling and assessment, NRK assesed the potential for using the project into live broadcasts. Three main factors were adressed: (1) How the technology can be integrated into traditional infrastructures, (2) If the quality performs to a broadcasters standards and (3) How the workflow provided is viable for participants into news and debate shows.
The tests showed that the editorial staff and producers accept the workflow and consider it brings value to the published content, while there were some relevant findings: the importance of introducing proper guidance to the participants and to clearly inform the audience about the format of the program – teleported participants on stage.
Scene composition with AdMiRe