As technology moves forward as well as the user scenarios for the testing, NTNU is working on the final details of the validation and assessment procedures (D5.2). For any validation and quality assessment, it is important to have a suitable lab space for the work. At NTNU, we have several EU projects where quality is a factor and we have taken the opportunity to refurbish our lab space for rapid prototyping and subjective evaluations , the Sense-IT lab. Sense-IT lab is a multiple use transdisciplinary working space for research projects, Phds and Master students. The most important functionality of the lab is the ability to transform the space and setting up areas for specific projects. For AdMiRe we will start testing the technology modules of the project as soon as they become ready. In this way AdMiRe will be given a specific space – or a “pod” – in the Sense-IT lab, making it an active workspace for AdMiRe and also increase the visibility for our colleagues and other visitors.

Sense-IT lab:

Andrew Perkis / NTNU