The success of a project depends, to a large extent, on proper communication among partners. Regular meetings, both technical and of the use cases to be developed with the end users of the project, are being held within the scope of the AdMire project.

In technical meetings we review the developments of each technical partner and study the best way to integrate technologies to achieve the technical objectives of the project. On the other hand, we verify in the meetings with the end users, that the use cases can be carried out with the results obtained. It is very important to do a “matching” between the requirements of the end users and the technical results that are being achieved, taking into account the possible technical limitations emerging during the development of the project. All this is achieved through the validation of AdMiRe, which roadmap is still pending of the evolution of the pandemic.

The most important thing is that communication within the AdMiRe project is very fluid and the project evolves very favorably. We keep working hard!